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Yr R

Dear Parents/Carers,

We just wanted to let you know of some changes for next week.

Due to the school photographer coming in to do Class Photos on Tuesday we are changing our Forest School day, so the children need to come into school in their school uniform on Tuesday for the photograph.

We will be doing Forest School on Wednesday instead, so please send your child in to school in comfy Forest School clothes on Wednesday.

Sorry for the change of plan!

Many thanks ,


To Parents and Carers,


We wanted to inform you that there is going to be a slight change to the Year R Parents Evening dates in the summer term. 


Parents Evening will be on the following dates: Tuesday 2nd July (3.30pm-7pm) and Thursday 4th July (3.30-6pm) 


We apologise for any inconvenience caused.


Miss Pauley, Mrs Kennelly and Miss Matthews
